How to choose and how to place images on a blog?

How to choose and how to place images on a blog?

The image or photo is an indispensable element on a blog to avoid the monotony of a text only article. The image will make it possible to inform readers very quickly on the theme of a content, to mark them or to associate them with a visual representation when they think about your article. This article presents best practices for choosing images on blog posts.

Interests of the images

In a very competitive field that is the web, several million sites and blogs exist on the web, it is necessary to optimize its visibility online and make a mark. An image will have multiple uses on a site:

Break the monotony of an article
Clearly visualize the theme of an article
Mark the user by helping to associate a mental representation of the article or problem
Associate an image when sharing on social networks. Because an image of an article is usually taken up by Facebook, Google+, and other social networks that have links. Messages on these platforms that include images have a better click rate
Associate a visual on the category pages or the home page of a blog. This helps to better visualize the content of articles and allows for more pleasant pages to consult
Gives additional weight to the article if the image is unusual, extraordinary, shocking ...
How to place the images?

Knowing how to place an image is important to take advantage of this visual medium by attracting the eye and by generating interest so that the reader can continue reading or browsing the site.

Placement in an article

There is no single solution to defining the optimum location of a main image illustrating an article, however it is possible to note a trend by placing the elements as follows:

First the title of the article
Then the associated data (the date of publication, the name of the editor, the number of comments, sharing links ...)
The main image that illustrates the subject and will spark the interest of scroller to descend below the flotation line
The chapo of the article, in bold, to summarize the article and continue to make you want to continue reading
The content of the article
This provision is summarized as follows:

Note that some sites place the chapo above the image so that it is separated from the rest of the content and it is highlighted immediately after the title.

Placement in category pages
The placement of a thumbnail on the homepage and category pages is sometimes overlooked while it is important to guide the look and thus improve the click rate on these pages. There are 2 possibilities that are useful: place the title of the article above the thumbnail or on the right side of the thumbnail. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages, and to discover them one must first understand the path that the eye will take.

Main differences of these 2 placements:

Title above the thumbnail: knowing that the thumbnails alone do not understand the content of the article, while the title alone, he can, this provision is particularly effective to ensure that the reader has read the title and understood the theme before continuing the course of the look towards the miniature then the small description
Title on the right of the miniature: the limit of the first method is that a thumbnail too large will attract more than the title itself. From then on, the placement of the title on the right makes it possible to make sure that a big miniature catches the eye then that the course of the continuous glance by taking care of the title and the description.
Where to find the pictures?

There are a few places to find quality images by having publication rights.

Fotolia: after having already lost credits because I have not used it within the limits of their validity, I have difficulty to trust this service, even if the problem had been the same with another service
Getty Images: sometimes pictures at 600 €!
Depositphotos: Relatively new, the site has a good reputation and deserves to be tested. By the way, after some tests I feel that this service has more pictures than Getty Images
Note: publishing photos you have found on the internet is not allowed, because there is respect for photographers and their intellectual property.

Choice of the photo

When you have to choose the main photo of an article, it should be remembered that this illustration will be used in several places:

Forward on the article
As thumbnail on category pages
As an illustration image when the article will be shared
The pinnacle of a good photo choice is one that can arouse emotion in the hearts of readers. A photo that illustrates it is good
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